Atomic Hotdog
Head Light and Tail Light
Utilizing new ZUSE LED
technolgy, our Atomic Hotdogs are bright - REALLY
bright. Micro USB charging allows not only for using
the included USB cord to charge them using your
computer, but also with your standard cell phone
They have easy silicone strap mounting and are
available as white LED Head Lighs, and red LED Tail
- Micro USB rechargable
- Sensor light tells you when it needs charging, and
when it's fully charged.
- Three modes: Full Steady, Half Steady and Blink
Black Head Light Part:
UPC: 5_44989-78301_6
MSRP: $39.99
White Head Light Part: AHH-004
UPC: 5_44989-78304_7
MSRP: $39.99
Red Tail Light Part: AHT-009
UPC: 5_44989-78309_2
MSRP: $39.99